Home > Indonesia > lombok > gili islands > mirko's reef

The healthy reef named Mirko is one full of fish, great coral formations and the unexpected.

Name Dive Site:Mirko's Reef
Depth: 10-30m (32-98ft)
Inserted/Added by: manta_dive_gili_air

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Mirko's Reef is a dive site that is only accessible a few days per month due to current strength, but when it is accessible it provides some of the nicest corals to be found around the Gilis. Located in-between Gili Meno and Gili Air, Mirko's Reef begins on a plateau at about 10 meters and then slowly works its way down as far as 30 meters. Mirko's Reef has a good mixture of fish and macro life, and is one of the dive sites where the unusual can appear at any time.

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Name: dsmlombok

This deep dive drifts along the top of a wall that starts at 30m. Although a shorter dive the coral formations here are spectacular., and ever so often large pelagic fish will cruise by in the blue. Nitrox Divers will benefit on this dive from an extended bottom time.

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