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Jan-Oliver Luhn
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With a jetty, wall, excellent coral and many fish, diving the house reef of Selayar Dive Resort is a must.

Name Dive Site:House Reef Selayar Dive Resort
Accessibility: Shore
Inserted/Added by: selayar_dive_resort

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The house reef of Selayar Dive Resort is certainly a highlight in Selayar! Those who have not had enough after two boat dives can 'send themselves to the bottom' at any time directly at the house reef drop-off. For those who prefer more comfort, we have built a new 80 metre long jetty, completed in October 2005. By Christmas 2006, this should be extended to 100 metres and will reach the edge of the reef. However, the way to the house reef drop-off is rewarding in itself: a field of sea weed and a coral garden make it into a special experience. It is impossible to explore the full length of the house reef in just one holiday. There is so much to see in the first 20 metres that normally nobody – or at least no photographer – will manage to get much further. No-limit-diving at the house reef is included and we guarantee that no one will get bored.


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